Search for a dark-matter-induced cosmic axion background with ADMX,

T Nitta, T Braine, N Du, M Guzzetti, C Hanretty, G Leum, LJ Rosenberg, G Rybka, J Sinnis, J Clarke, I Siddiqi, MH Awida, AS Chou, M Hollister, S Knirck, A Sonnenschein, W Wester, JR Gleason, AT Hipp, P Sikivie, NS Sullivan, DB Tanner, R Khatiwada, G Carosi, N Robertson, LD Duffy, C Boutan, E Lentz, NS Oblath, MS Taubman, J Yang, EJ Daw, MG Perry, C Bartram, JH Buckley, C Gaikwad, J. Hoffman, KW Murch, M Goryachev, E Hartman, BT McAllister, A Quiskamp, C Thomson, ME Tobar, JA Dror, H Murayama, NL Rodd.
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 131, 101002, 2023


Searching for Ultra-Light Axions with Twisted Cavity Resonators of Anyon Rotational Symmetry with Bulk Modes of Non-Zero Helicity


Searching for GUT-scale QCD axions and monopoles with a high-voltage capacitor