The 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology
Kingscliff, NSW, Australia
16-20 October 2023
History of the SFSM
The Symposium was organized from the beginning as the forum for bringing together international scientists and technologists engaged in the development of precise frequency standards and their applications in metrology, to exchange information on the latest developments in the field, and point out future directions. The symposium has been traditionally held in a venue that promotes such an exchange, with a single session approach which includes oral presentations by invitation, poster sessions and keynote talks from internationally recognized speakers. The proceedings will be published.
Previous Symposia
The first symposium was organized by Jaques Vanier in 1971 in Forét Montmorency in Quebec, Canada. The next ones took place in 1976 in Copper Mountain, USA organized by Helmut Hellwig, 1981 in Aussois, France (Claude Audoin), 1988 in Ancona, Italy (Andrea de Marchi), 1995 in Woods Hole, USA (James Bergquist), 2001 in St Andrews, UK (Patrick Gill), 2008 Pacific Grove, USA (Lute Maleki) and 2015 Potsdam, Germany (Fritz Riehle).
A brief history of the symposium was written by, David Wineland, “The evolution of the Frequency Standards and Metrology symposium and its physics”, 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 723 012001
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