The 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology
Kingscliff, NSW, Australia
16-20 October 2023
Presenter Information
Oral Presentations
Duration of a presentation slot is 30 minutes. About 20-25 minutes for the presentation itself plus the rest for questions from the audience (only the keynote is scheduled with 60 minutes including questions and answers).
Projectors and laptop computers (MS PowerPoint, Acrobat and Keynote) will be provided.
Presentations can be preloaded via indico, or directly on the lap top computer, more detalis will be provided here closer to the Symposium.
Poster Presentations
Poster boards will be available for presenters to put up their poster presentations.
The recommended format is A0 portrait: 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm (33.1 inch x 46.8 inch)
How posters will be attached will be detailed here at a later date.
The location of your poster will be noted on each board in accordance with the corresponding number we sent you by mail.
Please be present at your poster presentation during the hours listed in the program for the poster session.